CTOBOB Technology Podcast 002 – Viruses and Malware with AVG Technologies.
CTOBOB TECHNOLOGY PODCAST Host: Bob Pellerin Guest: Michael Kraft of AVG Technologies Topic: Viruses and Malware Episode 002 Description In this episode of CTOBOB podcast Bob Pellerin introduces non IT executives and business owners to viruses and malware. The guest is Michael Kraft of AVG Technologies. He answers questions related to viruses and safe computing…
Read MoreMicrosoft Windows 7 share causes issues. Event Id 2017 error
Event Id 2017 The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the server reached the configured limit for nonpaged pool allocations. Make a backup before playing with the registry please! If you are sharing using a Windows 7 machine and are either freezing or crashing a lot try this: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory…
Read MoreCTOBOB Technology Podcast 001 – Virtualization basics with VMware
CTOBOB TECHNOLOGY PODCAST Host: Bob Pellerin Guest: Barnaby Jeans of VMware Topic: Virtualization Episode 001 Description In this episode of CTOBOB podcast Bob Pellerin introduces non IT executives and business owners to virtualization. The guest is Barnaby Jeans of VMware. He answers questions related to virtualization of networks and legacy systems.
Read MoreWordPress site shows someone else`s content. Your wordpress site has been hacked and taken over.
If your wordpress site is suddenly displaying garbage (a.k.a. someone elses pages) then you’ve been hacked. If you log in as administrator you’ll notice that your content should all be there and intact. What they have done is modified your htaccess file. To quickly restore your site to its’ former glory, I recommend simply: add…
Read MoreWindows 7 or Windows 8 takes a long time to shutdown with VMWare workstation 10
As listeners to the podcast know I like VMWare products a lot. Although I use vSphere ESXi servers mainly, I routinely use their Workstation product to create VMs (virtual machines) to test things prior to trying them out on client’s systems. I noticed that a Windows 8.x VM took a long time to shutdown. I…
Read MoreHow to mount an ISO file with Windows 7
The simplest way to mount an ISO file within Winodws 7 32bit is to get Microsoft’s free utility. According to Microsoft’s site “This utility enables users of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 to mount ISO disk image files as virtual CD-ROM drives.” http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=38780
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